Restraint keys are a cost effective method of providing axial restraint for clutches and holdbacks .
Formsprag requires that all clutches and holdbacks be axially restrained when mounted .
Building Block Design Covers are available for use on Models AL, GFR and RIZ to provide a wide range of mounting options.
FSO Oil Reservoirs are used to enhance the performance of the FSO series clutch when used as a backstop on the high speed shaft or intermediate shaft of a reducer, or as holdbacks on the head shaft of a conveyor.
FSO OSHA cover kits are designed for shaft end mounted FSO or HPI clutches and are available from Formsprag in size 400 through 1027.
Stub shaft adapters are available to fit FSO and HPI clutches from size 400 through 1027.
FSO Torque Arms are used to help facilitate the installation of the clutch when used as a backstop.
NOVUS GEAR and our partners embrace the challanges of Day to Day plant reliability and undertake to be available to all our customers on a 24/7 basis.
31A Lincoln road Benoni Gauteng 1501 South Africa
Tel: (+27) 11 918 4270